Hon. Caroline Nzilani Ajuoga
Brief info
Hon. Caroline Nzilani Ajuoga is a representative of the public in the Judicial Service Commission, pursuant to Article 171 (2) (h) of the Constitution, having been appointed on 15th June 2023.
She is the Chairperson of the Human Resource Management Committee and a member of Learning & Development Committee and Audit, Governance & Risk Management Committee.
Before joining the Commission, Hon. Nzilani was the Manager, Employee Relations, and Wellness at NCBA Bank. She is a strategic human resource expert with extensive professional experience, a Certified Human Resource Professional (CHRP) and a member of the Institute of Human Resource Management.
She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration – Human Resource Management from Kenya Methodist University, International Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management from Cambridge International College and is currently finalizing her Master of Arts degree in Communication at Daystar University.