JSC engagement with the Nairobi National Government Administration

The Judicial Service Commission this morning engaged the Nairobi National Government Administration on the pressing need to enhance access to justice in the Capital city, home to 5.5 million Kenyans. Inadequate infrastructure and congestion have posed significant challenges, with today’s discussions exploring collaboration and partnerships to improve access to justice and bolster the security of our court stations. Ensuring the safety of all court users - including the public, Judges, judicial officers, and staff remains a top priority. In line…

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The Judicial Service Commission reiterates its commitment to promote and facilitate the effective and efficient administration of justice in Kenya.

  In the last financial year, the Tribunals achieved a remarkable Case Clearance Rate of 111%, resolving 15,173 cases compared to the 13,712 cases filed. Notably, the Rent Restriction Tribunal, the Business Premises Rent Tribunal, the Tax Appeal Tribunal, and the Cooperative Tribunal have led the way with the highest clearance rates.

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The Judicial Service Commission joins the Judiciary in the launch of the Performance Management and Measurement Understandings (PMMU) Evaluation Report 2022/2023

The Judicial Service Commission joined the Judiciary in the launch of the Performance Management and Measurement Understandings (PMMU) Evaluation Report 2022/2023 at the Milimani Law Courts.The performance assessment enables the Judiciary to remain focused on its mandate of delivering Justice and helps in identifying areas of improvement. JSC Commissioner Hon. Everlyne Olwande received a recognition certificate for overall best performing Magistrates' Court in the caseload category; with a case clearance of 140% (civil cases). This is during the period when…

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The Divorce Cases

The most common, yet one of the most complicated case types requires a special approach to the clients. Keeping everything under control with minimum emotional distress to you and your children but with the most effective result is our top priority.

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Donec ut ultricies dui vivamus vitae auctor risus nulla vitae malesuada massa duis, elementum ante sed sapien faucibus egestas proin elementum vel urna sed ornare, suspendisse potenti curabitur, nec massa magna.
Alex Pearson, Company Founder